Monday, June 14, 2010

Penny Pinching 109 Precinct Screws up Traffic

How many times do we walk down Main Street and see the Police pulling cars over for seat belt or to check license and registration? Each time they cause back ups as evidenced by the above photo. Do you see how far the Police Car is from the curb? Do you realize the Police car and the one pulled over is in a Bus Stop? Clearly blocking traffic!

Maybe the 109 Police Precinct should really do a little soul searching...Do we need Police officers to write tickets or fight crime?

Flushing is not as safe as it once was. The local murders the drug dealing in the open the prostitution problems. Yet the NYPD seems to want to get more tickets... Don't we have enough traffic enforcement agents?

Let the Police Fight Real Crime not be Meter maids.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Isaac Sasson to Enter Senate Race?

I was surprised to have learned that civic leader and perennial candidate Isaac Sasson is seeking the Democratic nomination for State Senate in our community running against Toby "Out of Touch" Stavisky.
Isaac ran a poor campaign against Yen Chou for the City Council the demographics of the race clearly favored him over his 5 minority opponents. His campaign focused on Jewish Voters and failed to encompass all the diverse constituencies that encompassed the 2oth Council District.
Isaac did show tremendous political acumen by strongly endorsing Peter Koo for Council who defeated Yen Chou. many pundits say Isaac's support tipped the scale towards Peter. So the questions of the week are.
Will Peter Koo return the Favor to Isaac?

Will Isaac run an inclusive campaign?
Will this district suit Isaac better with the strong Religious vote?

John Messer or Isaac Sasson Let us see who can win our support....clearly Save Flushing Queens can not and will not support Toby Stavisky, our community is crying for New leadership.

Friday, June 11, 2010

John Messer Dinkins Speech Writer

A Painful Time in New York City History

After I Blogged how we needed to Elect someone other than Toby Stavisky...I learned that Mr. John Messer was a close confidant and Speech Writer to former Mayor David Dinkins...Ouch! A long time Korean Leader came to me and was complaining how he still remembers the hurt and pain caused by the Korean Boycott by the Radicals of the time and how David Dinkins stood idle and did nothing.

Many say that Dinkins failure to stop the violence and his support of the radicals turned the race over to Rudy Giuliani. So I wonder aloud...

Did Messer write Dinkins speech on the Korean Boycott?

Does Messer share the same failed ideology that near ruined the City?

Will he publicly denounce Dinkins his old boss for his divisive politics?

We need a true outsider for Senate... Not a Political hack since the days of Dinkins! I will still support him over Toby but not with any enthusiasm.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mabel Law New Politician - To Empower John Liu

I guess we can now understand why Community Leader and civic dynamo Mabel Law is leaving her post as Director of the Flushing BID. She has thrown her hat in the ring to become a Democratic District Leader.

John Liu may be losing some of his influence here in Flushing. Clearly this is an attempt to empower him again. Remember this past election cycle John Liu showed no coattails, as his had picked successor failed in the primary. Then he came out and endorsed Yen Chou for the General who was easily defeated by Peter Koo the Republican.

Mabel is hardworking and has a genuine interest in promoting our community. Even when she disagrees with you, we understand that she is intellectually honest.
Good Luck Mabel and after the race join John Liu in the Comptroller's office.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Stavisky Faces Primary..Who is John Messer>>> Who cares No Toby!

Rumors are abound that Senator Toby Staivsky will have a true challenge this September! This is a first...Senator Staivsky has been absent from our community for years. Rumor has it she does not even reside in her district.

As a resident and activist I salivate at the chance of voting this woman out of office. Name something she has done for Flushing? She is the Poster child for Albany Term Limits! The relationship between her and her son's business is well documented, and should be subject to criminal investigation.

John Messer announced he is running I saw his Poster in the Palace Diner...Do I know him? No (which is scary), Do we know what he stands for? No. Has he ever been involved in our community? No.

If he is the only choice I am sure he is better than Senator Stavisky. Petitions will be circulated this week lets see if some other candidates jump into the Fray!

I went to his web site noticibly absent is any indication of anything he has accomplished, any civic involvement, never a member of a civic association or fraternal group. I worry that he is just another Attorney looking to Albany for Power and Influence.

If it is Toby Vs Messer Then Messer it is.....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yen Chou Exits Race>>>> Loser!

(Yen Chou with SJ Jung recently arrested and Communist sympathizer John Choe)

Say it isn't so Yen Chou the poster child for "Political Power Craving Neophyte" does not have the courage to run for District Leader... Was she afraid of Martha Flores? Was she afraid the voters would reject her again? Was she worried that all that money she paid in cash to her workers was under investigation by the New York City Campaign Finance Board?

Personally I am glad she chose not to run...I would have to spend more time making sure that Yen the idiot does not get elected to office.

Actually she had a good chance against Martha, people are still reeling from Martha's steadfast support for Former Senator turned Boxer Hiram "I have gloves instead of a glass Monsarette"

Stay Tuned the time is near for Yen to have another press conference with one of her phony groups.

SJ Arrested Now Announces Run

SJ Jung under investigation and subpoenaed by the Feds was recently arrested. Jung who says SJ stands for Social Justice appears to believe that violent protest is the way to achieve attention for him.

The same SJ who failed to speak out on behalf of the Korean merchants, now decides to speak out and get arrested.

SJ seems to feed his ego by reading his press clips.

For the record this man is s selfish self promoter who moved into Flushing to run for City Council, then changes his address to run for District Leader.

Please let us have one candidate WHO IS FOR THE PEOPLE NOT FOR HIMSELF.

When SJ gets arrested again this time
lock him up and throw away the key.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Hate Jersey.... and Our Elected Officials

Am I the only one who is sitting in Flushing today unhappy about the 2014 Super Bowl being brought to the Meadowlands?

That Superbowl should be on the West Side or even here in Flushing! How dare they call it the New York Super Bowl it is the Jersey Bowl, The Swamp Bowl, rid the name of New York from the Jets and Giants...they are no longer ours.

Thank our elected idiots, who fought against the Stadium. The Super Bowl can bring in over $100 Million in Revenue that's a lot of School Teachers, a lot of Fire Houses, a lot of Senior Centers, a lot of money to give Tax rebates.

Shame on our Government Officials...... Shame on the Giants and Jets and.....Shame on us all for allowing our New York name to be used to promote New Jersey!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

109 Police Precinct Ticket Monsters Not Crime Fighters

All one has to do is travel up and down College Point Boulevard and see the 109th Police Precinct Police cars poised to pull you over and issue summonses! Park for 2 seconds and BAM! Ticket!

Random stops to try and find anything wrong to meet quotas! One officer blatantly told a driver "Sorry buddy command needs the numbers".
As a Flushing resident whenever I am in Downtown Flushing all I see are NYPD Traffic enforcement agents hoovering over cars waiting for the second they can pounce with a command has our "Real Men in Blue" doing the same? Shame!!!!

You would think if the 109th Command would read our local papers like I do they would see that Latimer Gardens had a shooting and residents had to take to the streets to fight for Police protection, the residents are angry about illegal drug peddling, prostitution, random acts of violence against kids and families.

And what is the Police Response? Lets find more tickets! Lets harass every law abiding citizen if they park for an extra minute. God help you if your inspection is past due for 15 minutes! Be damned if your tail light is broke!
Let the Police Fight Crime! Don't use them for Tickets. The residents of our community deserve Police Protection not harassment!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is Flushing BID Buying Influence?

Is the Flushing BID (Business Improvement District) buying influence for opposition to The Popular Flushing Commons Project?

Last week I sat in the Borough Presidents Office listening to one and all on the Flushing Commons, the public topic was same old story... Korean merchants airing legitimate complaints...Unions decrying the need for jobs in this crappy economy.

But I was sitting near some folks whom I did not recognize who were talking about the BID taking an active role in opposing the project. They were talking about hiring lobbyist, raising money to halt the project and their unwavering support to Comptroller John Liu.

I didn't think a BID could hire a Lobbyist.... I thought funds would be used for improving our community? Why is the BID opposing this project does its members of the Board seek to profit if the project is not built?

Something is rotten in Flushing and the stench seems to be coming from the BID.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

John Choe John Liu's Political Flunkie

Each day passes I watch how John Choe carries himself and I realize why despite having the support of the Queens County Democratic Organization, The support of John Liu for City Council he still was an absolute failure and a disgrace. First I thought that maybe it was his support of communist Korea and his hatred of America. The I realized what the Voters realized


He does not have an individual thought. If he weren't part of John Liu's little minions, he probably would not be employed.

It is easy to see why the Voters rejected him. He can not lead he will always be a follower never a leader.

Maybe John Liu should evaluate his staff and not hire Political Hacks for his Comptrollers office.

Dems at War! Chou Resurfaces!

Is it true? Is Yen Chou throwing her hat back in the ring? Is she again seeking to run? This time for District leader? Will she remember to Vote?
In all my years on Gods great earth I have never seen someone so clueless as Yen Chou. She truly believes that the world revolves around her. Why would Democrats reward her with a chance to win a Democratic Leadership spot?

She failed her Party she failed her community and she proved to be a clueless empty suit put forth by powerful people to be their tool.
Her likely opponent Martha Flores Vasquez is a hard worker, and adds a little flair to the District Leadership post, but has the baggage of being a stern supporter of crazy State Senator Hiram Monsorate.

Let the war begin! This one is worth watching!

Friday, April 9, 2010

John Liu Where Were The Government Subsides On Sky View?

I was driving down College Point Boulevard, when passing by the The Sky View project I was stopped by two guys with construction vest, traffic was a nightmare! These guys backed up traffic all the way back to Northern Blvd. Then I was thinking to myself: How the can a project this size be developed in Flushing without a community give back? Why did John Liu let this go? How could something this large be placed in our community without a Senior Center? Public Parking? Youth Center? Pool? Moderate income housing? Housing for Seniors?

Then it occured to me Someone must have sold out!
There is no other answer!

Here is John Liu now the Comptroller calling for prevailing wage for all projects, he considers anything with a zoning change a "public project" yet under his leadership Flushing gets Sky View and the community gets screwed.

No wonder everyone is tired of Politicians....The are full of DUNK!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Where is SJ Jung On The Commons?

I for one am most interested in finding out where is SJ on the Flushing Commons? He has attended the meetings, lurched in the rear as if an FBI agent was looking to slap him with another subpoena, but never, never even came forward to speak on behalf of the Korean merchants or on behalf of the Union workers who are starving for jobs.

Why is it" Maybe, because he is in the middle of a political quagmire? SJ was a tool of the Unions and Working Families Party, he was also the wonder child of the Korean community...A white night moving in from Jersey or wherever he came from to run for City Council. Here in lies the problem it is impossible to please both sides! So what does he do? Hides like a political wannabe who has no courage.

We may not always agree with our Political Leaders or those who have run for office and are seeking to run again, but we respect those with the conviction and courage to take a stand...They are leaders! Those who act like SJ is acting now are those who go into Politics to fuel their own ego.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mayor Mike Stop the Bleeding

We in Flushing have seen our fair share of crime this year, even if the 109 th Police Precinct refuses to take reports especially from Asian residents. We still see things slipping back to the times when our city was not safe.

We are down nearly 6,000 Police Officers from just a few years ago. Gang violence is a huge problem, recreational drug use is on the rise, and people are not feeling as safe as they once did.

So what do you think Billionaire Mike Bloomberg has to say when asked about this trend: "Our Police can't be everywhere" Yeah Mike...We have a budget that has wreaked with Fraud, with both Council and Bloomy Slush Funds. We continue to fund every failed social program you can imagine and even spend millions of dollars in City Council Pork and we are willing to let Police officers go, and close firehouses.
Mark my word 2010 will be a crime filled ugly year and our Billionaire Mayor won't care. Why should he...he is protected. Mr Mayor Stop the Bleeding Hire New York City Police Officers NOW!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Queens Courier Says "Build It Now"

Queens Courier editorial

Flushing Commons Must be Approved
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:24 PM EDT

Last week, Community Board 7 held a public hearing on the proposed “Flushing Commons” project. Over 70 people registered to talk about the privately funded $800 million project that would transform the five-acre Municipal Lot 1 site in the heart of Main Street Flushing into a dynamic mixed-use urban center.

The majority of those who spoke were in favor of The Flushing Commons LLC, builders – a joint venture of TDC Development & Construction Group and the Rockefeller Group Development Corporation – proceeding with the Department of City Planning certified project.

We support this project and its designers. They have carefully considered and responded to the wishes of the community and have done their homework well.

In addition to approximately 620 condominiums with a mix of unit sizes, there will be up to 275,000-square-feet of retail space for national, regional and local retail shops and restaurants and 234,000-square-feet of office space, all designed around the 1.5-acre landscaped “town square” that will include outdoor cafes and seating areas.

Parking was a major issue for local merchants and residents, and the TDC and Rockefeller groups hired parking experts to survey the lot’s current usage and project the future use, hour-by-hour and day-by-day. They asked how many spaces would make the lot the “right size.” Their experts – who surveyed over 400 people a day – came up with 1,600 spaces – 500 more than the existing lot and 900 more than required by zoning.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has already praised the project saying, “Together with the Macedonian African Methodist Episcopal Church’s affordable housing component of the development, it will create approximately 2,000 permanent jobs and 2,600 construction jobs, mostly for local residents.”

“The continued input from city representatives, local elected officials and community leaders, combined with the commitment from the developer, which is investing more than $800 million in private capital, is a great example of what can be accomplished when the public and private sector collaborate,” Bloomberg said.

This project is a win-win for all of Queens and must be approved and passed onto the Borough President for her approval as quickly as possible. The time to build it is now! We call on CB 7 for its approval now.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Flushing Commons: No Easy Answer!

I sat through hours of the Flushing Commons debate, wondering if I could be swayed. I sat hoping Mike Myers would announce a sweetening of the pot. Hoping DOT had all the answers to our traffic dilemma. Praying we found more parking. Nothing changed except people got louder maybe a bit more angry. The crowd lashed out at their Elected Officials, the Unions cried for more jobs and the rhetoric seems to get more outlandish.

Yet nothing changed. This project is by no means perfect... I am worried about its impact on Flushing. Yet I think we can withstand it. We need the jobs, we need to put people to work. We need to build Flushing in a way that paves the way to the future without destroying us today.
I for one will speak out in favor of this project not as vociferously as others but nevertheless in support, because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This project will improve downtown Flushing. Please God Build it but Help the Community. Maybe the Mayor will hear our call and do more to promote amenities for our community.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Grace Meng A True Leader For Flushing

Grace Meng Flushings Finest

Flushing is know for its "Leaders" Every local organization has its President. If someone loses out as President then a splinter group is formed and a President is found.... it is a vicious cycle! Everyone seems to have become more active in Government and Politics perhaps because of the success of Comptroller John Liu.

Yet there is a presence in Flushing that makes a mark every day that is Assemblywoman Grace Meng. She is there on every issue, she fights for her community, she is willing to stand up for those who government seem to care less about.

The other day I was present in her office, I watched first hand how her able staff dealt with the constituents , some speaking English, most speaking Chinese. Everyone was patient and caring, clearly adopting the demeanor of their boss.

Rumors are abound of a Political challenge to Assemblywoman Meng. Its good for her to be challenged she will prove to all in Flushing how she is now the dominant Political Figure...Bye Bye John Liu Welcome Grace Meng

Friday, March 19, 2010

On Health care Is Obama Right?

OK I am always a skeptic, but maybe Obama is not crazy when it comes to Health Care. Many people in this crappy economy are without insurance a friend of mine with heart disease has to choose between his medicine and food for his family and he chooses food!

Health care cost run wild! Doctors Bills are off the chart! Insurance carriers are charging a fortune! Families keep sick kids home and can't afford the Doctors bill.

Yes I am worried about socialized medical, we have seen its failure. But clearly something has to be done!

We give benefits to so many non-citizens and in many ways it is nice to help those who are trying to be new citizens and productive members of society. But we must also protect our existing citizens who need health care.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Terence Park Fighting for his Community or Fighting for Press

Terence Park has been a favorite of this Blog. We have admired his independence and his willingness to put his community first over Party Politics. I have been reading with great interest Terence latest endeavor: Fighting the Development of the Municipal Lot.

I am not sure I agree. I am like Terence I believe we need to fight to get as much as we can for the community, but I am not willing to oppose this project.

As a Flushing resident I believe we need parking who wouldn't agree with that? But am I willing to tell 2,000 families that their bread winner will not have a job, and they can't put food on the table because of a few parking spots? I say no. Terence should not be willing to tell Union Labor that they can't build a $800 million dollar project because of parking.

I for one looked at the plan at the CB meeting. Yes I was disappointed about the parking but I was excited about the open space and other public amenities. Imagine free concerts in downtown Flushing under the sky with trees water fountains... sounds lovely. Should we abandon this because we came a few parking spots below what John Liu wanted?

How about a YMCA for our at risk kids to go to programs? Should we stop the project because of a few spots?

How about Doctor's offices for our underserved kids and families?

How about a development that will be the crown Jewel of downtown Flushing..Should we give up our vision because we lost a few spots?

I hope Terence is opposing this project for the right reasons I would respect that. If he is opposing it for Press that would destroy how I feel about him.

Terence please respond:

City Government Debt Addicts and Crooks!

Our City and State are in such a bad way! Our Legislators are looking for additional ways to Tax our citizens. The latest "SODA TAX"!

Now they choose to promote "Health Reasons" to further Tax! Next the Ice Cream Tax??
Perhaps the "Cup Cake Tax" ?? Please maybe the "Lollipop Tax"?

Maybe if our Government officials represented us in good faith we could use real programs instead of padding the pockets of corrupt Pols. Maybe we could save money on Criminal Investigations, Slush Funds could be used to help real people!

I wonder if we could have a public accounting to determine the price tag of how much money was spent Investigating the Slush Funds and I wonder what did David Weprin and Speaker Quinn know and when did they know it?

Can you imagine if you were in charge of Finances for a Corporation and the Stock Holders found out you were misdirecting their money to a fake account to spend on programs and services that helps you. How long would you last in your job? You would be fired right away!

Yet that is what happened in this City and what did we do: We elected and promoted David Weprin the Finance Chair without putting him under subpoena.

We give Speaker Quinn a new 4 year term without making her publicly testify before the State or City to find out what she knows.

We know this Council Staffers Council members are being arrested left and right and those in charge get promoted.....WHY?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Yen Chou Holds New Position On Political Involvement

I realize that some Politicians have no shame whatsoever. Hirim Menstruate is one... Jose Peralta is another...Tony Seminerio, Miguel Martinez, Larry Seabrook, Brian McLaughlin the list goes on and on!

Now it is time to add Yen Chou on the list! How dare she chose herself to lead a coalition on Political Action and Involvement. She never even voted until it was time to vote for herself.

People abhor Politics and are fighting back because people who have egos and no records seek public office. Yen Chou's ego enters a room an hour before she does.

She has never worked on behalf of the community...she never will. Running for office was about making her and her husband became rich beyond belief.

Make no mistake about it the people of Flushing dodged the political bullet on Election Day. A bullet that would have destroyed or community and its future.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bearak Quits Civic Congress

Amid Scandal Corey Bearak has resigned as President of the Queens Civic Congress. It appears that Corey approved an Anti Jewish flyer using the hateful symbol of a swastika in the recent State Assembly special election. It was bad enough to use it...then he defended it.

This clearly will not bode well for Corey, and will damage him in his career as a lobbyist.

Corey has managed to dodge the bullet while under investigation with his former boss Sheldon Leffler who was jailed on campaign finance fraud.

We at Save Flushing Queens were the first to point out the inherent conflict of interest with Corey serving as a Lobbyist, Campaign manager and President of the Civic Congress.

Fare Well Corey...Its nice to see you go!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Speaker Quinn David Weprin: Tell Us What You Knew And When You Knew It

OK so while I was sunning myself in West Palm, it seems like half the City Council are either indicted or under a cloud of suspession or on the verge of getting indicted.

Am I surprised? No

Am I shocked? No

Am I appalled? Yes
But with all the media attention on disgraced Council Members Miguel Martinez and Larry Seabrook, one question calls for an answer: The two individuals most responsible for the budget Speaker Christine Quinn and Assemblyman David Weprin are silent over the scandal. The Speaker is rolling out new phony pony BS reforms... Weprin runs for his dads old Assembly seat while bragging about his service as Finance Chair. Can you imagine bragging about a record where millions of dollars are being misspent right under your nose. perhaps Davids rug blocked his vision (Sorry that was an unfair shot- but this guy must have been covering for the thieves).

Why isn't any investigative body calling these jokers in
and asking them questions under Oath?

We are Back!

I just returned from Florida... taking some much needed time off and now I am ready to delve into all that I missed. Over the next few weeks I will begin to look at some of those interesting things that Queens Politics has to offer.

Until then I am going to go outside and walk in the snow!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Politics of Terence Park

As this New Year begins we at Save Flushing Queens are begining to wonder what is in store for us politically this year. We know about the State Asssembly and we are standing by Grace Meng she is a proven leader we only wish she would run for State Senate and rid us of the horror show of Toby Stavitsky. But what will become of the Democrats seeking to occupy the District Leadership positions and in particular what will happen to Terence Park?

Terence Park was chosen as on of our Political Winners for his crossing party lines to support Peter Koo over the candidacy of Yen Chou. It was a smart and courageous thing to do. It is clear this decision has revived him as a formidable community leader in Flushing. But how long can he maintain that position? Can he withstand the new leadership of SJ Jung? Time will tell.

We believe Terence is a good man who is not as politically astute as SJ. If so why would Terence speak at the Swearing In of Councilman Halloran? Terence sometimes makes decisions based solely on Politics and not always on the merit of the issue.

We watched him closely in this last City Council race and were impressed we are not so impressed with what we have seen since.

We at Save Flushing Queens hope Terence can beat Carpetbagger SJ, but if he is to be successful he must put community first and himself second. We believe he can. But decisions like fronting for Halloran are just plain stupid! Terence this is the begining of a new Political life take advantage of it! Don't ruin it!