At a recent candidates’ forum hosted by the Queens Civic Congress, City Council hopefuls tried to wow the crowed with their command of the issues. From the start, it was clear that there were some who knew the issues, some who didn’t and some who could care less.
According to Queens County and government insiders it was no surprise to see that Markell was quick on her feet and knowledgeable on the issues during the Queens Civic Congress Forum. She was even humorous when she started out with “as you can see, I’m not just one of the boys” which received laugh from the crowds. Her combination of wit and poise coupled with her absolute command on the issues and her ability to articulate her beliefs made her the clear winner of the night’s forum.
Word on the street is that Markell is an extremely hard worker and has been running a very effective campaign. After the forum she has sent a clear message that she is a candidate to be reckoned with.
Contrary to popular belief folks are taking about Markell and Vallone not Jerry the ego Iannece.
ReplyDeleteThis race is worth watching.
Markell would be the GOP's worst nightmare! A woman who has worked for Rudy she can get the swing Democratic vote.
ReplyDeleteLOL C'mon Debrah, get off the computer and stop writing these blogs. Don't you and your staff have better things to do? Let's say...maybe get signatures????
ReplyDeleteThis would be a wonderful endorsement if Flushing was actually part of the 19th Council District. Someone needs a refresher course in geography, government affairs and civics.
ReplyDeleteToo funny!!!!
Someone had better review their district knowledge a small part of Flushing is in the District. We can pass civics 101 can you? Cmon Jerry go kick the neighbors dog!
ReplyDeleteAS someone who has seen her grow from a local Civic leader to be appointed by both a Democrate and a Republican Mayor as Queens Coordinator of the Mayors Office, I can't wait to see the faces of the "boys" when she wins the Primary and the General Election.
ReplyDeleteThis is downright LAUGHABLE.
ReplyDeletePuhleeze. She is probably the worst candidate running. She is totally ensconced in party politics and is buddy buddy with Claire Shulman who is raping the Willets Point businesses. Who's in charge here anyhow? The best blog going in Queens is still Queens Crap!
ReplyDeleteDebra is the smartest person I know