Apparently, Yen Chou was giving dollar bills in exchange for individuals signing her petition sheets. This is just another example of the devilish tactics Yen Chou will use to eliminate her competition. It is clear that the demonic Yen Chou will not run a campaign based upon the issues but chooses to use dirty tricks, illegal tactics and political war to win election. She has proven to be a person who would rather divide and conquer rather than unite and win.
Thankfully, the fine people of the 20th Council District see through her devilish charade and are supporting James Wu and John Choe.
According to published reports, James Wu’s attorney Daryl Fox toldreporters that through an intensive investigation, they found out that Yen Chou’s campaign bought petition signatures from seniors inFranklin Senior Center for one dollar per signature.
Fox said, they accused Chou for petition fraud. However, all the senior witnesses were not willing to attend the hearing. In the UnitedStates a witness is only valid if he/she is voluntary. So Daryl Fox made an agreement with Yen Chou’s lawyer Lawrence Mandelker andwithdrew the motion on behalf of James Wu.
the article is fair but the photo is too much...
ReplyDeleteI agreee that Yen Chou is so wrong for so many reasons from being a racist, to potential fraud. But this site lowers itself with these pathetic photo shop images.
ReplyDeleteStick to the issues! Represent Flushing we need you
This blog is so full of shit it is unbelieveable. I was in court that day and the real devil woman Ethel Chen brought in 5 people to a judge and said that Yen Chou committed fraud from the over 6000 she collected. The judge immediately called both sides into chambers and by the way this political liar Darryl Fox is not James Wu's lawyer, but Jerry Goldfeder is and they went to the chambers and came out and the judge dismissed the cases and told both sides to agree to withdraw their lawsuits. The election trial we all should look at and the horns and rotten teeth should go to both Isaac Sasson and is campaign Manager. They have taken Mr. Kavadas to court on fraud charges. I went to that trial also. Mr. Sasson has even went to the expense of purchasing a hadwriting expert to say that Kavadas' signatures were forged. They even brought in signatures that the BOE said were invaid to get a double bite of the apple. Turns out the next day Mr. Kavadas brought some of the people that the "expert" said did not sign and under oath testified that in fact that was their signature. Also from another reliable source is that the campaign manager started to make his witnesses sign a paper to see if in fact that they signed Kavadas petitions after one of their own witnesses stated on the stand that in fact they did sign and that was their signature. This blog I know now is set up by the SASSON GOON PATROL. Because to report sheer nonsense and bypass real news that effects our community is bullshit. The real devil here is this blog and the fact that they know what is going on in court right now. Sad Sad Sad.
ReplyDeleteToxic Avenger is it true that a member of the Yen Chou campaign nealy had a fist fight with the Wu campaign? I heard the Police were called and Yen Chou used Political influence, Is this true?
ReplyDeleteTruth Sayer what the hell are you asking me that question for???? I do not deal with this campaign's day to day operation. and what political influence? The only ones I know use use their influnece are Sasson with the Flushing Club support he has, Choe with the County support he has, Jung with the WFP and Union support he has and Wu with the support of his 4 time loser mother. So please explain what you're talking about, were you there?, please enlighten use with your petty and TRUTHFUL rhetoric(LOL)
ReplyDeleteI volunteer for James Wu. Yen Chou's people are always so mean!
ReplyDeletewow, Yen Chou's people hurt my feelings and i'm going to go cry on the internet about it. No wonder you "volunteer" for the Wu campaign, no way in hell a !@#$% like you could find honest work anywhere else. How about coming up with some LEGITIMATE GRIPES about Yen Chou's candidacy rather than trying to attack her because "some" of her "people" are "always mean".
ReplyDeleteIf your post is the best that James Wu's campaign can come up with, that makes me giggle a little bit inside.
The ONLY thing that James Wu has managed to show with this ludicrious lawsuit that he couldn't provide a SINGLE witness for is that he has NO respect for the elderly and believe them to be dishonest people willing to sell their NAME and Honor for a mere BUCK. Is the recession really THAT bad that he believes our elderly would sell their respect and dignity for a mere dollar!? I feel ashamed that he is a member of the Chinese American community now, I have always been taught in the traditional chinese values of respect for one's elders, that James Wu would stoop so low as to hire a political attack dog to make ludicrious accusations against the good seniors of Franklin Center is shocking. If anything this blog should be focussed on the fact that he insulted the dignity and integrity of Flushing Seniors without not a shred of evidence, as can be witnessed by how fast the Judge threw the lawsuit out.
The ONLY thing that James Wu has managed to show with this ludicrious lawsuit that he couldn't provide a SINGLE witness for is that he has NO respect for the elderly and believe them to be dishonest people willing to sell their NAME and Honor for a mere BUCK. Is the recession really THAT bad that he believes our elderly would sell their respect and dignity for a mere dollar!? I feel ashamed that he is a member of the Chinese American community now, I have always been taught in the traditional chinese values of respect for one's elders, that James Wu would stoop so low as to hire a political attack dog to make ludicrious accusations against the good seniors of Franklin Center is shocking. If anything this blog should be focussed on the fact that he insulted the dignity and integrity of Flushing Seniors without not a shred of evidence, as can be witnessed by how fast the Judge threw the lawsuit out.
ReplyDeleteSo, according to moridin3, the fact is clear: Yen Chou went to Franklin Senior Center to collect petitions. At the same time she gave the seniors money("mere dollar"). The judge made his decision about this case already. But we people in Flushing can also make our own judgement about this!
ReplyDeleteto moridin3: What's wrong with it if I spoke from the view of a voluteer? The man who occupied the space in front of Main Street LIRR station has set the worst example of any political campaign. Also, please stop putting political posters on public property.
ReplyDeleteI don't work for Yen Chou's campaign, nor have I been to the Franklin Senior Center, I do not have any extra information beyond what is presented in this blog, what I am offended by is the INTERPRETATION of these "facts". But I have enough common sense to believe that when I see the two statements(I do not know if the following statements are true, only that the blog has presented them as true):
ReplyDeleteA) Yen Chou went to Franklin Senior Center to collect petitions
B) Yen Chou gave 1 dollar to seniors in Franklin Senior Center
that my interpretation is that:
1) Yen Chou recognizes that Senior Citizens are an important group in the community whom deserve respect for their accomplishments. She went for their support because she respects their experience and wisdom and wishes to hear what they have to say about the future of Flushing. The recent massive financial crisis we went through and might not be out of? Some of them LIVED through that, they've survived wars, recessions, fashion trends, they've helped bring Flushing to where it now is. Visiting them for their support and counsel is the LEAST that Yen Chou could do. A good councilperson must have the support of the whole of the community, not just a certain subset.
2) She offered a dollar to each citizen as a token of respect for the wonderful place that they have helped build Flushing to be. Let's face it, without the sacrifices of those who come before us, what would we have? It is these elderly who have seen the tough years, the lean years, and the good years long before any of these candidates ever thought of running for office. It is because of their triumphs and sacrifices that the candidates have the oppurtunity to run for a councilperson position of a community filled with life and hope even in the backdrop of the worst financial crisis of our lifetimes, but certainly not of theirs. This dollar is a symbol of trust, that she will do her best to represent THEM, this is not just pocket change that will be spent with the rest. If Yen Chou wins and brings a glorious future for Flushing, many years from now, those seniors might be able to point to that dollar bill they received from the Asian woman who is now the councilwoman representing them and tell their grandchildren how that dollar bill represents a bond between them and their representative, how that dollar bill is a symbol of all the hard work that a life goes through, a reminder that they will never be forgotten, that she will fight for them.
Of course, you could have the cynical and ludicrious viewpoint that the Seniors of Franklin Center would be willing to SELL their dignity and integrity for a dollar, which isn't even enough to buy a double cheeseburger at MacDonalds. I would be VERY offended if someone even JOKED that my grandfather was willing to sell his signature and dignity for a dollar. The fact that James Wu has been willing to say that the elderly community of Franklin Community Center has sold their integrity and support for a dollar each AND spend money to send his lawyer to actually file a lawsuit alledging this with no proof(as evidenced by how quickly it was thrown out) is absolutely disgusting. You know what's funny about that? James Wu didn't even raise most of his own money, most of it comes from public financing provided by tax dollars paid by THOSE VERY SENIOR CITIZENS HE IS INSULTING WITH HIS RIDICULOUS LAWSUIT. How funny is that? Our elderly pay taxes so that a lawyer can try to convince a judge that they have no integrity and sold their support for a dollar. What has the world come to?
ReplyDelete@The other anonymous person.
What's wrong is that you are making a judgement about every volunteer and person in Yen Chou's organization, which is rather large. Not only that, you say they are always mean, a statement you can only really make if you not only know every person in that organization but have the resources to monitor their behavior to make sure that it's "always mean". Frankly it sounded like a juvenile comment made by a whiny kid. My point is that if you want to criticize, please do so with some basic intelligence. Saying that ALL PEOPLE who work for someone are ALWAYS MEAN all the time is absurd because you couldn't possibly know everyone in the organization well enough. Campaigns like Yen Chou's have a lot of supporters, a good many of them working very hard with no pay because they believe in a cause, they are good people who have no reason to be slandered by a faceless coward on the internet.
I took LIRR to the city everyday and I don't think setting up a table in the train station and putting posters on its window is a right thing for a campaign to do. I asked the gentleman who sits there if he gets the permission to do so. The answer I got is "it's not your business."
ReplyDeleteto moridin3: I don't believe you didn't get paid. Also, "moridin3" is no difference from "anonymous" unless you tell everyone your REAL NAME.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how you make the logical leap from "one guy working for Yen Chou setting up a table at the LIRR station was mean to me" to "Yen Chou's people are always mean". I'm sorry, I just don't. That's like seeing the Dow Jones go up one day, and concluding that ALL stock markets go up all the time.
ReplyDeleteAlso I have never said I was not anonymous, however I have kept my comments well reasoned and my logic is fairly transparent. What I have not done is unfairly slander a large group of peopple that I hardly know based on poor logic. I simply said that it would be cowardly to do so while hiding behind a mask of anonymnity. If you feel that your actions are appropriate, just give good reasons for why they would be, if you think they aren't you probably should apologize and retract your statements.
moridins3, thanks for spending so much time explaining what logic is to a high school student. I thought staff or volunteers are campaign's representatives in community. And the PERSON who sets up a table in LIRR station is the only one from Chou's camapaign I've ever met. You are right I believe there are a lot of good people in Chou's campaign. But you guys really should watch out all the people you hired.