Councilman Dan Halloran
Is he Wild? Outspoken? Crazy? Pompous? Smart?
Ambitious? Hardworking? Capable? Arrogant?
Yes to all!
Clearly, Dan Halloran is quite a character but we at Save Flushing Queens believe he may be the one leader who may surpass all of our expectations. He has to calm down and stop defending his religion and defend his community with the same vigor (all of his community including Korean Americans).
Halloran is bright, has a grasp of the issues, has a high level of energy and is battle tested. He can step in at City Hall and make a difference, so long as he does not fall into the political trap of thinking City Hall is there to serve him rather than he serving his community at City Hall.
He may be the guiding light that his community has been looking for having had 8 years of self serving ineffective leadership under Tony Avella.
I for one am hoping that Dan will be the Man.
He needs to reach out to Terence Park to mend broken relationship with Korean and Asian community. What's that woman name Sunny Han? Oh my God, I am tatally lost everytime I'm talking to her. She is a hell of fan of Dan.