By no means do I condone the acts that surround Congresswoman Gifford's shooting but we
are drawing the WRONG ASSUMPTIONS from the shooting in pushing for the elimination of the harsh rhetoric. The pleads for a cease of harsh rhetoric is exactly what is causing America's pressure cooker of tension and hostility towards elected officials.
Perhaps if we stop the "dog and pony show" as it has been called in politics and dispense with the PARTY Politics and business of Quid Pro Quo we will have a solution to the harsh rhetoric.
A prime example of this is last week's show put on by City Council... Outraged New Yorkers watched in Jaw Dropping amazement as Member after Member went up and " STOPPED THE HARSH RHETORIC" and thanked the Department of Sanitation, Mayor's office and many other "WELL DESERVING" city agencies that were absent in middle of the Blizzard of December 2010 for showing up to the hearing.
Following Council's gratitude for respective agencies being present, was their apologetic remarks that the snowstorm was out of hands and sincerest apologies that mother nature did not follow the will of City Council.
Few and I mean very few, Council members put their foot down in outrage at the failure of New York City snow removal services. Rather or not you agree with their statements their efforts are applaud by members in and out of their districts. A round of applauds is in order for the few members who did have the courage and conviction to advocate for the members of their community even after most likely a council wide briefing of what not to say and what tone to use by Speaker Quinn.
Queens is still a pert of NYC. Tell the Bloomidiot
ReplyDeleteSpeaker Quinn should have been told a Hate crime occured... If so she would have made sure everyone was heard. The City Council has been nothing but a cesspole of self serving arrogant taxdollar sucking deviants.
ReplyDeleteHold their feet to the fire represnt the people not these jerks.
How come no one ever got the answer of who was in charge, where was PATTI HARRIS? She is an empty suit who managed to cling to Bloomberg's ASS TO MAKE A LIVING.
ReplyDeleteThat Councilman in the Picture looks like he needs to go to the restroom
ReplyDeleteAll we needed was Martha Florez to come fart and release all her hot air to clear the snow!