With the race for City Council coming down to the last days… we here at Save Flushing Queens ask that each of our readers exercise our right to vote and make a decision! Failure to vote is abdicating your civic responsibility and only empowers others over yourself.
The choice for City Council in District 20 could never be clearer. The Choice is Peter Koo. Peter deserves a chance to represent us; he has lived in Flushing, worked in Flushing, Employs people in Flushing, and has financially supported so many charitable events and organizations in Flushing but more important he is a man of honor and unfortunately his opponent Yen Chou cannot say the same.
Yen Chou has desecrated the RKO Theatre with Illegal Posters
Yen Chou has Failed to Vote in 10 years
Yen Chou’s AIM academy failed to pay rent and was evicted having to pay $9300.00
Yen Chou Missed or was late to 70% of her official meetings and was forced to resign in disgrace.
Yen Chou used anti-Jewish propaganda in her Primary Election
Yen Chou was petitioned by 300 angry parents demanding her School Board removal accusing her of specific acts of fraud.
Yen Chou has accepted all the Special Interest money, and will be the special interest best friend
Yen Chou may face an investigation into her Campaign Finance Fraud
Yen Chou’s non-for-profit raises over 115,000 and does not show where it is spent leading to potential Fraud.
Yen Chou is simply unfit to serve. So this Tuesday Vote as if the future of our community depends upon it…because Ladies and Gentleman IT DOES!